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Rodney Douglas
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François Höpflinger
Rolf Pfeifer
Peter Stamm
Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil, Futurologist

Ray Kurzweil is a software developer. He has worked on such projects as speech recognition systems (such as to instruct computers), «translation aids» (from written into spoken language) for the blind, computer-based music instruments or artificial patients for the training of medical students.

In recognition of his achievements, he has received numerous awards and honorary doctorates.

His most well known book is «The Age of Intelligent Machines».

Visiting strange minds. Everything will be okay: The American futurologist Ray Kurzweil on the virtual world of the future (Zu Besuch in fremden Köpfen. Alles wird gut: Der amerikanische Futurologe Ray Kurzweil über die virtuelle Welt der Zukunft)

In the year 2030, just one dollar’s worth of computing capacity will have the same functional ability as the entire human brain. As far as hardware is concerned, computers will hence possess much more computing power than humans. Yet in addition – using brain scanning or other methods – we will also develop software that reproduces all the facets of human intelligence in the computer, including the ability to understand and sense complex correlations and emotions. Machines will then be intelligent in the human sense.

(From: «Die Zeit» , 3 January 2002, p. 20: «Zu Besuch in fremden Köpfen. Alles wird gut: Der amerikanische Futurologe Ray Kurzweil über die virtuelle Welt der Zukunft.» Ein ZEIT-Gespräch.)

- full interview in German

Reaching for the brain (Der Griff nach dem Gehirn)

The first computers were monsters that filled the entire hall, while today we stow them in our bags, and in ten years we will project images from our eyeglasses or contact lenses directly onto the retina. The electronics for all this will be integrated in our clothing. We will walk about and always stay online. In 2030, we will send nanobots – robots the size of our blood cells – into our bloodstream where they will travel to our brain and communicate directly with our neurons.

(From: «NZZ Folio», December 2001, p. 51–56: «Der Griff nach dem Gehirn.» Interview with Ray Kurzweil.)

- full interview in German

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