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Fundamental principles
Sensory organs
Processing data

On perception, interpretation and action

When we see a friend, we are capable of instantly recognising the person, whether from the front, side or even from the back. We can distinguish among millions of colour tones, just as we are able to tell apart 10,000 different scents. We can feel a feather stroked across our skin. We hear a rushing stream off in the distance. And we also know when we are served lousy coffee. We open our sensory organs – and the world comes flooding in.

With eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin, we receive stimuli, translate them into electric nerve impulses and transmit these impulses to the brain. Here they are processed in certain specific regions and experienced as images, movements, sounds, smells, tastes, temperature and touch. The brain first arranges and then interprets the combined impressions. Our perception thus helps us find our way in the world.

Perception plays a major role in determining the mood our brain is in. The sensory impressions of things going on around us and the brain’s subsequent assessment of such information – based on past experiences – combine to shape our behaviour. Our actions are often the result of a mood that has developed in the brain.

When we walk outside in the morning and our skin’s sensors tell us it is cold outside – then it is cognition that gets us to put on a warm coat. When our neighbour wishes us a good day – it is cognition that prompts us to wish him a good day in return. And when we climb aboard the bus – then it is cognition that enables us to have the exact fare ready.

The term cognition encompasses all the processes through which we attain certain knowledge and are able to act in a purposeful, deliberate way. This includes processes like thinking, learning, remembering, speaking, decision-making or being able, for instance, to orient oneself or imagine something.

- Bau und Funktion unseres Körpers.
- Biologie heute SII.
- Das menschliche Gehirn.
- Der Körper des Menschen.
- Die Entdeckung der Intelligenz oder können Ameisen denken?
- Emotionale Intelligenz.
- Fühlen, Denken, Handeln.
- Geist und Gehirn.
- Kleine Geschichte der Hirnforschung.
- Linder Biologie.
- Natura 2 und 3. Biologie für Gymnasien.
- Nervensystem und Sinnesorgane.
- Menschenkunde.

Deutsch Francais Italia Englisch